Faizan Shabir

Troubleshooting Microsoft Emails Going to Spam in 2024

Microsoft recently changed its email-sending policies and a lot of users are facing high bounces, and low open and reply rates. Most of the users aren’t able to troubleshoot the same since the old techniques aren’t working anymore. This has something to do with overall infrastructure and adapting to bulletproof deliverability set up. What is…

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Best way to convert B2B Clients on automation

If you’re in B2B landscape where our goal is to sell out to decision makers such as CXOs, Heads, Directors etc. You will have to adapt to various strategies on how to persuade them to take a step to convert. The first step is outreach either through cold email, LinkedIn or any other channel and…

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What is the use of AI in email marketing?

AI has advanced alot over the past 2 years with over plenty of tools and technologies out there in the market. Alot of agencies have already adapted to the latest tech and are killing the market competition. We did the same at Click Suggest as our R&D have made huge advancements and we have saved…

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Scale personalized outbound with Clay

Clay.com, a totally new tool out in the market that has transformed the personalized outbounds like never before. It combines over 75+ enrichment tools at one place to help you enrich prospect from all angles including personal level to company level information. Clay would also help you to automate the outbound and syncing data back…

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Email warmup in 2024! Save yourself from blacklists

Warmup has always been part of the conversations between email marketers and variety of opinions on the same. I have been sending over 1 million emails per quarter using small sending tools with over 70% open rate. Hence I have tested a lot of stuff out there, went through plenty of books, podcasts and webinars.…

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B2B Lead gen on Automation! What is the best way to do?

Well these days lead gen has been automated a lot beyond using a CRM or a tool to auto send your emails. It is more towards automating journeys now. AI has jumped in to make it way more easier while helping you to write your custom codes or helping you to understand an API connection.…

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How B2B Start ups can generate leads for business

90% of the time Startups mistake the marketing funnel and they tend to work on single channel or depend too heavy on channels which can take away their business anytime. Its way more easy to maintain a sustainable funnel but takes time. The fruits can be reaped in future with a growth engine that sustains…

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