10 Ways to Generate Leads for SaaS (All in One Guide for SaaS)

Being in the Lead generation business for more than 6 years now, I get this question a lot.. How do I generate leads for my SaaS business?

I get it!, If you want to take your SaaS business to the next level, maybe you want to reach 10 Million ARR and exit or make monthly revenue for yourself.

Whatever your goal is, let me tell you this – There is no perfect way to generate leads for your SaaS, what might work for someone else doesn’t work for you!

It all depends on your target audience and your ticket size or pricing.

But I will show you the best ways to find more leads for your software as a service (Saas) business.

I learned these techniques in my 6 years of lead generation for Saas Companies and helped Saas companies book 10-20 million ARR.

So, let’s Gooo!!!!

10 New Methods to Generate Leads for SaaS in 2024

1. Cold Outbound

Whenever I talk to SaaS founders they have two goals.

  1. Sell their enterprise plan
  2. Sell their basic saas plans

And most of them care more about selling Enterprise plans than selling basic plans why?

  1. Generate big revenue quickly
  2. Get revenue to improve their SaaS
  3. Generate revenue to fund other marketing channels
  4. Close big accounts and get case studies

But is it possible to achieve this quickly? Well yes, it is!! even if you are starting out!!

How is this possible? With cold outbound!! – let me explain

There are multiple ways to find new clients or customers for your SAAS, but the most affordable and quick is the cold outbound. In this method, you reach out to prospects with cold emails and LinkedIn DMs.

Now very important – You don’t reach out to just anybody but you only reach out to prospects you have a need for your products or services!

For this – you can use multiple tools like Apollo or ZoomInfo to find prospects or companies who could use your SaaS, find the right people, and then add them to your cold email campaign with Smartlead or instantly, and boommm you just created a successful lead generation engine for your SaaS

But I know it is easier said than done, that’s why SaaS companies chose Clicksuggest as their lead generation expert.

If you want to learn more about cold emails you can check our blogs as they are filled with cold email tips and tricks for SaaS companies.

2. Content Marketing

One of my favorite marketing strategies for SaaS companies – The Content Marketing!!

Most SaaS companies don’t focus on content marketing as they believe it’s slow and takes a lot of time to see results.

When I discuss SaaS content strategy with founders and heads of marketing, they always push content marketing aside and think this is something that can be done later.

But after a few months, when they realize their competitors making 10 million ARR or 50 Million ARR, that’s when they get serious about content marketing.

I’m not saying content marketing will get you 10-50 Million ARR but this helps to build social trust and bring inbound leads.

Content marketing is going to take time and this is the reason content marketing should be top of your game from the very beginning.

So how do you do content marketing?

You can do content marketing for your SEO, Linkedin, YouTube, or any other social media platform where your audience hangs out.

Find the right keywords you want to rank for on Google and YouTube and for the rest of the platforms, you should create content at least 3 times a week to build credibility.

Once enough people know about your brand and your SaaS, it will become very easy for you to sell with any other channel whether it’s Cold outbound, Ads, Cold calling, or any other channel.

3. Warm Calls

When I say warm calls lot of people confuse it with cold calls, Though I love cold calls but warm calls are different.

These are the calls you make to prospects who have shown some interest in your services or products.

Reaching out to such prospects is called warm calls but how do you find such prospects?

It’s very simple! – If you are doing SEO, content marketing, or any other form of marketing, and you are using the right tools to collect the data like who is interacting with your website or social media posts, you can give them a warm call and explain why you want to reach out.

Since they are already familiar with your services or products, it would be easy for you to reach out to them and it would make your calls warm.

You can use tools like RB2B to identify people visiting your website and find their email addresses, or you can search on Google to find the right one for your needs.

Then you can use Apollo, ZoomInfo, or Lusha to find the contact info of your prospects.

4. Linkedin Marketing

Ahh my favourite of all time… LinkedIn Marketing!!

Tbh.. LinkedIn is so powerful but very few people know that!!

LinkedIn is a huge database of B2B prospects and if you are not utilizing this to grow your SaaS sales, then trust me you are missing out on a very very very big opportunity :/

LinkedIn has turned people into leaders in their industry and every day more and more SaaS companies are rushing towards LinkedIn to grow their SaaS and generate pipeline.

But how do you grow your SaaS on Linkedin??

First Method

Well, it’s pretty simple, you post high-quality content on your LI, and connect with people, help them in comments, interact with the community.

This will help your SaaS be noticed by decision-makers on LinkedIn and by the time you know, your SaaS will be on a whole other level.

The second Method

LinkedIn is not all about content marketing, you can also send DM’s to prospects on Linkedin but don’t be pushy or salesy.

First, find out your Ideal prospects and research their pain points then send them a connection request on Linkedin with or without a note, depending upon what’s working for you!

Once connected, you can start a conversation with them, understand their struggles, and maybe offer them your SaaS solutions!

I know it sounds simple but trust me it’s not!! – it takes a lot of time and patience to achieve results from this!

5. Influencer marketing

It’s probably one of the fastest ways to get inbound leads and you have complete control over the cost.

We all know inbound leads come slow but if you get promoted by an influencer with a good number of followers, you can quickly boost your SaaS sales.

But the only problem with this method is that it doesn’t last for long like SEO! So you have to keep influencer marketing in check.

I would recommend doing influencer marketing at least twice a month, so you are in front of your audience every time.

This will build an amazing brand for your Saas and if you offer free trails, you will see tons of people singing up.

Now I don’t recommend completely relying on influencer marketing, you should also focus on creating your own personal brand which we gonna talk about in the next section

6. Linkedin Company Marketing

IDK why most people don’t know about this Lol, but this strategy works like magic to get eyeballs on your SaaS.

It’s just like a personal brand but much different, in this approach, you don’t spend too much time on your content, rather you spend time engaging with your prospects on their posts or the people they follow.

How this helps is, that when you comment on someone’s post, they start to notice you, check out your profile, and if they like your SaaS they will also sign up.

So this has to be your strategy when it comes to generating leads. They also help you to make your cold outreach warm as people are already aware of your services or products.

7. Affiliate programs

I started my career with affiliate marketing, I was using a tool that I loved and I reached out to the founders and asked them if they had an affiliate program available, but they didn’t.

But then they reached out to me after 2 weeks with an affiliate program and I was so happy because I knew that tool inside and outside.

I started a blog as the blog was very popular back in 2016 and I started writing content around that tool, and my content was so good that it ranked 1 in Google and my affiliate link generated $100K+ for the tool!

That’s the power of Affiliate Marketing! So if you have a SaaS, you must add affiliate marketing to your product.

Because people who love your product would love to write about it and which can generate outstanding sales for you. It is more like influencer marketing, but influencer marketing lasts longer and brings in revenue longer.

8. Guest posting

I should put this at number 3 because it is one of the great strategies for SaaS companies when it comes to both, building a brand and getting customers for SaaS.

You see there are two ways when it comes to getting customers in SEO!

  1. Organic SEO
  2. Paid SEO (not SEM)

Organic SEO takes a lot of time when it comes to getting customers, for some SaaS it takes 6-7 months. But Paid SEO such as Guest posts and sponsored content makes it real fast for you.

Think about this, there is a website that is ranking on the first page of Google for “10 best SaaS tools” and your SaaS is mentioned in that article! what do you think is gonna happen?

Well people are gonna read that article, they are gonna check out your SaaS, and if you have a great landing page! well, now you have more customers.

It’s very simple but very powerful, but you have to pay money for the guest post, not every website takes payment but most of them would charge a few dollars to put your SaaS in the article.

9. Linkedin Webinars

If there is a social media out there where people genuinely care about growing professionally, I think it’s Linkedin.

On LinkedIn, people always look for ways to improve their reach and learn new skills and marketing techniques!

Now if you can create a LinkedIn webinar, and provide a solution to people for free, they would love to jump on your webinar.

On the webinar, you have a chance to promote your SaaS product, and if you have a good solution for the market, then you can find good customers for your SaaS.

That’s why webinars can be super powerful when it comes to finding leads for your SaaS business. ‘

10. Youtube Shorts

Recently I have been watching a lot of SaaS shorts on YouTube, Instagram, and LinkedIn, especially after ChatGPT.

Now this video can be a very powerful way to generate leads for your SaaS, the average person spends 1.2 hours daily on short-form videos.

Now if your video doesn’t pop up when they are going through these shorts, well you are missing out a lot of traffic and customers for your SAAS.

So go ahead a create YouTube shorts or Insta shorts for your SaaS business and you will see great results, it will not only get you customers but also help you with the brand image.


All these marketing methods that I mentioned for generating leads for your SaaS are used by Click Suggest for our SaaS clients.

We have seen amazing growth for our SaaS clients because these methods are tested multiple times by our team and work great every time.

Now I don’t recommend you or anyone to start with all the methods at the same time! Nope! You can pick one strategy that matches your knowledge or skills and get good at it.

Then slowly you move towards other strategies.

That’s it for this blog and if you are SaaS and want to generate high-quality leads for your business, make sure you schedule a free strategy call with us.

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