8 New B2B Lead Generation Channels in 2024 (Only these Work)

Lead generation is evolving especially in the B2B space, you never know how and when a new tool or new B2B lead generation channel is created.

Inbound-lead-outbound is the latest channel in B2B lead generation and it took only a few months for this channel to come into the picture, so many businesses don’t know about this.

But the ones that do are crushing it. I gave this example to show you that Lead generation channels are evolving quickly and we have to know which ones are working and which have stopped or don’t provide the same results anymore.

In this article, I will talk about the best lead generation channels for any B2B business.

Top B2B Lead Generation Channels in 2024

1. Personalized Cold emails

Cold emails have stayed as one of the best channels for B2B now some businesses might think cold emails are dead and don’t work anymore, but it’s not true!!

Only Spammy cold emails are dead, Our clients at Click Suggest are booking tons of appointments and closing tons of deals every month.

Because we don’t do generic cold emails, we launch highly personalized and relevant emails that people want to read and reply back.

But the question is how do I send personalized cold emails at scale, well there is no shortcut. You have to segment your leads into different categories and build a highly targeted lead list.

Every email should count, every email should be relevant to your prospects and only then you can find success with cold emails.

2. Warm Cold Calls

Cold calls might be dead but warm calls are still alive and one of the most loved B2B outreach channels for finding clients.

But what are warm calls and how are they different from cold calls?

Cold calling is when the person doesn’t know you and you call them to offer your services this method is outdated because

  1. Prospects don’t know who you are
  2. They don’t trust you.
  3. You don’t know if they have a need.

This makes Cold calling very difficult and that is why warm calls should be at the top of the game.

With Warm calling, you are only calling those prospects who have shown some interest in your products or services, it can be inbound, it can be outbound from cold emails or Linkedin.

I love this strategy because those prospects who have shown some interest often ghost us and the best way to remind them is by reaching out to them by warm calls.

The more touch points you make, the better appointments and leads you will get.

3. LinkedIn DM’s

After cold emails, this is the best channel for outreach and this channel can get you more replies, more meetings, and more clients.

LinkedIn is considered one of the best channels for B2B, it’s not just a social media platform. But it’s a gold mine for B2B leads.

Every day more and more people are hanging out on LinkedIn because this is the only platform that cannot be crowded. LinkedIn has strict rules and they make it difficult for spammers to spam on Linkedin.

This is why businesses that are genuine and sell genuine products and services can have an edge on LinkedIn.

But with all these good things, there are also a few drawbacks:

  1. There is a limit to how many messages you can send per day.
  2. You have to send a connection request before you can connect and message your prospects.
  3. You cannot do too much automation otherwise your account will be at a risk of getting banned.

However, again, the benefits of LinkedIn outweigh its drawbacks. So make sure this is your go-to channel for B2B.

4. Social Selling

In recent years B2B has changed a lot, people only want to do business with people they can trust and it has become very important for businesses to have a strong social presence.

You have to ensure your brand is visible when people are searching for you. You should look like an authority and expert in your field.

And the only way to achieve this is by having a strong social presence on Linkedin and Youtube. Well, LinkedIn should be your priority because that’s where people would first look for you.

If your LinkedIn profile is weak, you might lose deals. A strong profile helps prospects trust you and do business with you.

Post on LinkedIn at least twice a week and avoid sharing AI content since it may not establish you as an industry leader.

5. LinkedIn Ads

Ads are another great strategy for generating high-quality leads and are one of the most popular channels for generating B2B leads but they can be expensive.

There are multiple platforms where you can run ads but if you are in B2B then there is no better place than LinkedIn

Why? Because LinkedIn is full of business professionals, especially CXO-level employees, having a good ad with a great offer can help you get leads for your business.

However, this strategy is not recommended for businesses that are starting as LinkedIn Ads can be expensive. But if you are a business with good cash flow, then it should be your channel for B2B

6. Partnerships

The best thing you can do for your business is to build partnerships with other agencies, there are so many agencies that would outsource or refer clients to you.

B2B is all about relationships with your clients and a relationship is way more powerful than any other channel in B2B.

There are multiple ways to build relationships:

  1. You can reach out to prospects or your competitors and ask them about outsourcing work
  2. You can ask your current clients for referrals
  3. You can reach out to companies that are providing multiple services and cannot focus on each one of them.

So If you build good partnerships in B2B you will never run out of business.

But this strategy has one big drawback and that is, that most businesses that outsource their work, do it at a cheap price and they want the work to be done at a cheaper price.

So you might end up finding work at cheaper rates, but this strategy is still worth it, especially in the beginning

7. Referrals

This channel is not my favorite because the revenue is unpredictable, and you are not prepared for new referrals.

But this method doesn’t cost anything and it’s very simple. You have to deliver good results to your clients, and they will always refer you to more clients.

This is much better than outsourcing because you can set your prices and develop a strategy for your client’s projects.

But again this strategy doesn’t bring predictable revenue to your business and should only be used as a secondary channel for B2B lead generation

8. Online Communities and Forums

I found my first client by being helpful in my online community. Being very helpful in your online community can help you attract new clients quickly.

If you are using any software or platform, there will be a community online that you can join like Facebook or Slack group.

You’ll come across numerous individuals posting freelancing and full-time projects in this group. If you have strong connections, you can successfully secure a deal.


In summary, the world of B2B lead generation is changing quickly with new ways to find potential clients.

It’s important for any business that operates in B2B to keep up with these changes. These channels will change in the future because B2B is evolving very fast.

Every day old channels are becoming less effective as new channels are emerging so a customized and smart approach to lead generation is really important for success in the fast-changing B2B world.

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